Employability Mayo

Job Seekers

Job Ready

Our aim at Employability Mayo is to support jobseekers who are Job Ready in finding a job of their own choosing, with our free and confidential employment support service. 

We provide a designated Employment Facilitator who will discuss and research all of your individual employment needs through a stepped process of consultations with both yourself and various employers.

There are four job-seeking phases which we work through with you, over a period of 18 months. We work with all types of disabilities including physical, sensory, mental health and learning difficulties. We strongly believe in the theory “Every person has a right to work” and so your journey starts here.

Your journey starts here

Profiling and Career Orientation

Initial Meeting. 

Identifying skills, abilities and relevant training that would suit your desired job.

CV Preparation.

Identifying possible suitable jobs that match your existing skills and sourcing work experience that allows you to sample these jobs

Job Search

Analysing work experience and updating CV to include it.

Supporting you, the client, to job search through various means such as social media, newspaper adverts and direct application to employers.

Job research and interview preparation skills.

Post interview meeting to support and build on the experience of the interview, whether positive or negative.

The Job

Helping you understand the Terms and Conditions of the new employment & liaising directly with Government departments to adjust payments, etc.

When a job is procured, Employability Mayo can offer a service to risk assess the premises and ensure that accessibility is adequate.

We offer a Job Coaching service to both you & your new employer, ensuring that you gain confidence in the skills required to do the job. This is phased in order to ensure that you can move seamlessly into the position after a designated period of time.

Ensuring that both you and your employer are aware of any grants or supports available to you, such as Wage Subsidy Scheme, Workplace Adaptation Grant, etc.

Aftercare/Mentoring for a full 18 months, or more, if required.

Working Independently

Transitioning – supporting you to move from our support to working independently.

Supplying information and support to both yourself and the employer if problems occur.

Providing the knowledge that there is an open-door policy if your employment needs change.

Extra Support

We work with both Local Education and Training and Community bodies to help you develop your skills further, or provide a confidence boost needed to apply for that job through part-time or evening courses. 


Have you considered being self-employed? We refer to agencies which will provide the necessary expertise and supports to help to grow your ambition.

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How Do I Apply?

To apply to Employability Mayo you will need to register with your local Intreo office or local employment service and ask for a referral to Employability Mayo.

Once we receive the referral, we will be in contact with you and a meeting will be set up with a member of our team. The team member will be allocated to you based on your geographical area.

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